4th March marks the foundation day of the National Safety council. The National Safety Council of India was set up on 4th March 1966, as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Labour, Government of India to generate, develop and sustain a voluntary movement of Health, Safety and Environment at the National level. 4th March the foundation day of National Safety Council, has been designated as “National Safety Day” and is celebrated throughout the Nation every year since 1972.
As you are aware, the National Safety Day (NSD) Campaign spearheaded by the National Safety Council to commemorate its foundation day – 4th March, has now grown into a major national campaign and is widely celebrated by industry, trade unions, govt. departments, regulatory agencies, NGOs and educational institutions with the active support of the Central & State Governments, and the media. Started as the National Safety Day, the Campaign has now been spread over a week. The Campaign is aimed at renewing the commitment of employees and the general public to working safely throughout the year. However, the ultimate objective is to ensure integration of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in work culture and lifestyle.
To commemorate the 4th March, 2020, 49th National Safety Day various functions are organized, all over the country, to promote safety awareness and to motivate workers and all so that safety is imbibed and it becomes culture. It is a matter of great pleasure to inform you that, we at GSFC University will be celebrating our National Safety Day by organizing awareness program as detailed below:
Date: 4th March 2020
Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
Venue: SOT Auditorium