It is an initiative to enhance students’ soft-skills via co-curricular activities and is planned to be held 5-6 times in a semester.
Its objective was to help students overcome stage fear, build their confidence at public speaking, improve communication, inter and intra personal skills. This will be a student managed series of activities which will help to enhance their managerial abilities and bring out their hidden talents.
Events conducted
Extempore: An event where in participants are expected to speak impromptu on the given topic, i.e. no time for preparation is given. Topics are given at the moment. This event was conducted on February 2, 2019.
Bluff-Master: A participant gets 3-5 minutes time to present. The person who is able to bluff through wins. Judgement on the criteria of language, consistency and originality of ideas, utilization of time and engaging delivery. This event was conducted on April 5, 2019.
Rolling partners: Two participants take the story/incident along on a given topic. Each participant can speak for maximum 30 seconds and then other partner takes over. Total 5 minutes to complete the story/incident.
20 questions: The anchor will guess a name. The participant will ask questions to which the anchor to answer in ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Participants can ask maximum 20 questions to correctly guess the name.
Celebrity disguise: Participant is supposed to act as a celebrity and answer questions posed by media. (a few students volunteers will pose as media, with questions prepared beforehand)
Ad-mad show: Participants are given products. They need to prepare an ad for that. Maximum participants 3-4. (toothpaste butterscotch). They will get the products’ names before half an hour.